Monday, October 14, 2024

Southern Gust

Cooler days are finally upon us. I’m typing this while looking out my bedroom window. I can see the trees swaying gently as the sun peaks out from gaps in the white clouds. I don’t think the forecast calls for rain but I can’t tell just yet.

Halfway done with the month and I’ve got a picture all ready to go. You’re gonna like this one. Probably. Hopefully. Maybe. Not sure.

Anyway, off to work.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Indecent Crossfire

Just finished cleaning the place up a bit. Spiders are everywhere because it’s that season once again. I might have to go and get the vacuum later and suck up the egg nests before they hatch. Once those babies hatch they will get through every nook and cranny and cause huge problems living in the walls. 

I’ll have to do it tomorrow night. I’ll be out of the house before the sun comes up tomorrow morning because job. Maybe I’ll grab a coffee in the morning on my way over to work.

Alright, gotta get my paperwork together and get some sleep. Have a good one!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Random Picture of the Month

I baked a thing. Turned out pretty good.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Everything Pillageable

Visited the neighbors cat yesterday. Such a nice lady too. Orange cat sitting in one of those stroller things used to walk your feline friend with. Not sure if they have an actual name but I think most people just call them strollers anyway.

Nearing the end of the month and the temperature is finally starting to cool down. If we had at least an hour of rain late in the morning or early afternoon it would definitely help with the cool down process. Maybe tomorrow it will happen. Sure would be nice if it did.

Speaking of end of the month, my next picture is all ready to go. But because the first rolls on a Tuesday don’t expect it to show up until much later in the day.

Alright, time for bed now.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Husky Pineapple

Management came and went. Aside from some financial issues and department restructuring the dinner meetings could’ve been so much worse. It’s nice to see familiar faces in person from time to time. Gives a sense of motivation you know?

Couldn’t leave town pretty much all of last week anyhow. The one road that runs through town was blocked off. Something about a big tanker rolling over and spilling 4000 gallons of diesel or something.

Anyway, I’m gonna go back to taking a nap.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Through an Opening in the Wall

I have a meeting with way higher ups in about three hours from now. If the meeting goes through well enough, everyone basically gets to keep their job with the exception of the few that got fired over the weekend.

Joking about violence and dead people is not ok in our office. Anyone who payed attention to the news in the past week knows exactly what I’m talking about. Not cool guys.

Helped my neighbors across from me with unloading groceries yesterday. Such nice folks. They weren’t feeling the greatest over the weekend and I could see they were struggling to lift the groceries. Hope they’re doing better today. 

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for right now. Off I go.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Random Picture of the Month

Went to a museum with some colleagues a few weeks ago. We had a good time.